Introducing your Toddler to Music
Toddlers respond best to music when they are between the ages of 1 and 3. Look for opportunities to get your child clapping, marching, rolling, tapping, waving, and moving to the beat! Just listening to music contributes to a rich sensory environment. This means exposing kids to a wide variety of tastes, smells, textures, colours,…
The Best Action Songs for your Toddler/Pre-Schooler
Music time with your child teaches more than you think. Take time with these songs each day and watch your little one grow and learn! There are so many wonderful action songs that you can sing that will take you on a trip down memory lane and jog some memories of when you were a…
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5 Benefits of Singing with your Child!
Music is such a wonderful teaching tool and brings so much joy to families. There are so many benefits when it comes to singing with your child or baby, we have picked five of our favourites to share with you. Singing teaches communication skills When singing, your child will use their listening, speaking and action…
‘Around the World’ With Music Go Round!
With things looking a lot brighter as the pandemic restrictions are eased, this month our theme is ‘Around the World!’ In our online kids music classes, we have been learning and singing songs about different ways to travel around the world. Pre-schoolers and toddlers can really benefit from learning about our big wide wonderful world…
Putting A ‘Spring’ In Your Step With Music Go Round!
At Music Go Round we are making a ‘song and dance’ about the importance of incorporating music and dance into early years children’s educational activities. Research shows that all kids have a natural ‘communicative musicality’ which is enhanced and nourished through regular and structured music lessons led by a specially trained teacher. With 15 years’…
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What do our parents say…?
“Thank you Music Go Round at Home, you are helping make being at home so much more enjoyable for the little ones!”